Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Makassar Youth Evangelistic Ministry

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.( Eccleciastes 12:1)

Greetings In the Name of Our Lord Jesus!!
We thank to the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior for His aboundance love for us and has trusted us the ministry. Our Youth Ministry which is called Grace Youth Community or in Bahasa  we call it KOMPAK (Komunitas Pemuda Anugerah Kristus) had opportunity to have evangelistic meeting last June 5-6, 2013 in Malino. Malino ( 78 Kms from Makassar) is mountain area, it is one of tourist  place in South Sulawesi. I challenged our young people who had committed in the ministry to invite at least five young people to be evangelized  through this meeting. By the time we departed there were 42 new young people join our evangelistic ministry.
We departed from the church in Makassar at 6 PM , and we arrived in Malino at 9 PM by 4 cars and some motorcycles. In Our Journey My wife and I were the leader of cars team and Pastor Paus Randa was the Leader of Motorcycle team. We really enjoyed the trip because we passed Bili-Bili Multipurposes Dam Spillway, and mountain area with cool climate.

Elder Medy, Julius Ala and Benyamin  assisted me in this evangelistic ministry, They prepared accomodation and be the counselors, My wife and some women prepared the food in the kitchen. They happily woke up early in the morning to cook noodles,egg and Tea for breakfast.. I really thank to Our Lord Jesus Christ because we have a good team of ministry in Makassar. They already know their portion in the ministry, just like the member of the body of Christ, every part of the body has its own purpose. Another ministry of my wife and friends was Children ministry. There were 25 children also join this ministry. They learned and played through outdoor games.

After Morning devotional, aerobic, and breakfast I gave the main sermon of our ministry. The theme of my sermon was “The Youth and Ministry” the  verses was taken from Ecclesiastes 12:1 and I Timothy 4:12. Three things were emphasize through this sermon, that : First, The youth is precious before God.  God doesn’t want the youth is despised by other. God Loves and redeem the youth to be saved.Second, The Youth has potential in the ministry. Young people has gift, ability in knowledge and good health, availability and other things.  compare to the old people       surely the young people is better., Third, Young poeple was called unto ministry. There are many example man of the  God in the Bible were called during their youth, though they are speechless, no theological knowledge, but because they knew the Love of God and the power of God in them they were able to be used in the ministry such as:Moses, Jeremiah, David,Timothy, etc
At the end of the sermon the we pray for  calling of the commitment. Those who never accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior opened  their heart for Jesus Christ, and then continue to pray to be equiped in the ministry. Amazing Grace.. How wonderful God’s work for this youth. This is the new challenge for us to follow up them. For Daily Devotional we share them PEACE Devotional Book one by one freely. We have published this books for five edition until this June.  We have committed to publish this book every month to help the believers and the new believers to have devotional time of God every day. So far we have published 250  books per month. We hope it will be increased because many people needs this book. And this book really help us to follow up the new believers.
Finally we want to thank for those who have prayed for us. Please continue to pray for our ministry. Next coming August we will Have Grace Bible Camp in Toraja. All the  family members will join this meeting. We will have Evangelistic journey, seminar and fellowship as the family of God through this ministry. May God Bless Us

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